hobbies >> chat,,browsing,,singing,,
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I'm 17 y.o,,Indonesian,,
prenster kedua
Whatever they Say
[All] I don't care what everybody says
[영웅] Baby girl, 그댄 나의 행운이죠 그 많은 사람 중 날 가장 닮은 그녀를
[시아] 하지만 사람들은 우리 끝나기만을 바라죠 Oh 이게 주어진 현실이라면 운명 따윈 믿
지 말아요
*[All] Whatever they say, don't listen girl 우릴 질투할 뿐이죠 내가 말한 모든 진실들 그대만
믿어주길 바랄 뿐이죠 Whatever they say, I don't care 널 사랑하는걸요
[영웅] 그대를 잃을 수 없어 힘들게 하네요
[유노] Baby 무슨 말을 해야 할지 몰라요 다만 그댈 위한 맘은 변함이 없네요
[믹키] 이렇게 사람들은 세상과 타협하길 바라죠
[영웅] 그게 그대를 잃는 길이라면 난 세상과 맞서겠어요
*[All] Whatever they say, don't listen girl 우릴 질투할 뿐이죠 서로 다른 모습이기에 이해 할
수 없는 안타까움뿐이죠 Whatever they say, I don't care 널 사랑하는걸요
[시아] 그대를 잃을 수 없어 힘들게 하네요
[최강] 그댈 위해 몇 번이나 놓아주고 싶었지만 그대가 보여준 사랑과 믿음이 내게 용기를
*[All] Whatever they say, don't listen girl 우릴 질투할 뿐이죠 내가 말한 모든 진실들 그대만
믿어주길 바랄 뿐이죠 Whatever they say, I don't care 널 사랑하는걸요
[시아] 그대를 잃을 수 없어 Oh no Don't leave
[All] Whatever they say, don't listen girl 우릴 질투할 뿐이죠 서로 다른 모습이기에 이해 할 수
없는 안타까움뿐이죠 Whatever they say, I don't care 널 사랑하는걸요
[시아] 그대를 잃을 수 없어
[믹키] Baby girl, 그댄 나의 행운이죠
Chorus: 동방신기 Recorded by 여두현 at S.M. Yellow Tail Studio 최경섭(Assistant:현은호,이유진,
이대호) at Non-Stop Media Mixed by 여두현 at S.M. Blue Cup Studio
02. Whatever They Say
translation by: eebyul [also credit: aheeyah.com]
[Micky]Girl, don’t listen to what they say,
They can’t stand to see together. Come on Listen
[Hero] Baby Girl, You are my lucky one
Out of all the many people, you and I are the most similar to each other
[Xiah] But everyone wants us to break up
Oh, If this is realty, then don't believe in destiny
*[All] Whatever they say, don’t listen girl
All they're doing is being envious of us
I just hope you will believe in whatever I tell you
Whatever they say, I don’t care, I love you
[Hero] I can't lose you, its so hard
[Yunho] Baby, I don't know what to say
I just have to tell you that my heart will never change
[Micky] People just want us to compromise with the world
[Hero] If that will make me lose you, then I will go against the world
*[All] Whatever they say, don’t listen girl
All they're doing is being envious of us
I just hope you will believe in whatever I tell you
Whatever they say, I don’t care, I love you
[Xiah] I can't lose you, its so hard
[Max] I wanted to let you go just for your benefit
But the love and trust you've shown me gives me courage
*[All] Whatever they say, don’t listen girl
All they're doing is being envious of us
I just hope you will believe in whatever I tell you
Whatever they say, I don’t care, I love you
[Xiah] I can't lose you, its so hard
*[All] Whatever they say, don’t listen girl
All they're doing is being envious of us
They are different from us so they will never understand us
Whatever they say, I don’t care, I love you
[Xiah] I can't lose you
[Micky] Baby girl, you are my lucky one
Ra^ lg demen ma lagu yg atu ini..
Acapella boyband paporit ra^,,tvxq..dahsyat bgt!!
Aplg suara my lovely Boo..jejung..
Keren bgt!! Mpe tereak2 gtu..walo dy cowo,,dy bsa suara falsetto cewe punya..
Ad jg d lagu Tonight,,ra^ g kuat nyamain falsetto ny dy..
Sumprit keren abiz!!
Mrka cma ber5 tp acapella ny dahsyat abiz..
Pas mrka konser aj ra^ bsa dg tnang ngdngrin mrka nyanyi..kga lipsync lho..
Bhkn ra^ nnton ny smbil bengong..acapella ny keren bgt!!
Ga kayak acapella yg byasa ra^ denger..yg pampam cuapcuap ntu lho..^^;;
Klo acapella,,mrka pnya posisi masing2 tntu ny..
Dari Xiah JunSu yg dpt bgian Bariron..suara tinggi medium gtu..stau ra^ c..
Klo Micky YooChun dpt bgian Bas-bariton..suara rendah medium..
My lovely Boo..hehe..si akang JaeJoong mah jd pokalis utama..hohoho~
Klo Max ChangMin dpt bgian Tenor..suara dy ntu tinggi bgt!! Bsa ngalahin suara cewe skalipun..
Nah,,klo U-Know YunHo dpt bgian Bariton..suara ny ngbass gtu..keren bgt..
Lagu acapella mrka g cma Whatever They say aja..tp ad jugag Hug Acapella version..trus Ma Beobe Song..trus My little Princess acapella version..banyak lah pokok ny..
Rata2 lagu mrka jg acapella kok..walo pun ad music ny..
Salut bgt de ma mrka..
Bnr2 multi talent..
Mua prsonel ny pd jago2 maen piano..aplg micky yooChun.
Mrka smua jg pd jgo ngdance..body-ny lntur2 mua..Kayak cacing..haha~ *disate prsonel ny*
Mrka jg pntr mnggubah lagu..mrka jg bsa byk bahasa,,dr bhs.Mandarin..Korea..mpe Jepang..
Akting jg ga ktnggalan..mrka dah pnya byk drama lho..
Lucu2 pula..ra^ klo nnton drama ny psti ngakak..
Pokok ny ra^ cnta bgt niy boyband..haha~
Hmm..kayak ny sgni dulu de..
Bwt yg mao nyari tw ttg mrka..tnya aj k ra^..
Ra^ gtw byk c..tp lumayan lah bsa ngasi sdkt2 informasi..
Yg mao ngdngrin lagu2 mrka jg lapor k ra^ y!!
Haha~ d hape ra^ bjibun tuh lagu mrka..lagu mrka dr yg bahasa jepang,,mandarin,,mpe korea..
Sgni dulu de..
C a~
Label: I don't care..
credit: YunHo iN Me @ DreaminTVXQ Cassiopeia: A W-shaped constellation in the Northern Hemisphere between Andromeda and Cepheus. Constellation Cassiopeia; Cassiopeia, in astronomy, prominent northern constellation located almost directly opposite the Big Dipper across the north celestial pole. Five bright stars in the constellation form a rough W (or M) in the sky. Some see in this formation the shape of a chair known as Cassiopeia's Chair. Tycho's Star, a supernova, appeared in the constellation in 1572 and disappeared in 1574. In this constellation is located Cassiopeia A, a discrete radio source emitting 21-cm radiation with great intensity. Cassiopeia reaches its highest point in the evening sky in November, but because of its location near the pole it is visible throughout the year to most northern observers
Coba klian prhatiin deh di keyboard klian..
Huruf “tvfxq” ntu ngbntuk rasi Cassiopeia td..
TVfXQ ntu tak lain tak bukan tidak salah lagi yaitu adalah boyband yg ra^ idola2in slama 3taon blakangan ini.. *t’hitung bln Oktober 2005*
Jadi,, Cassiopeia ntu nama ato julukan bagi para fans dr TVfXQ..
5 buah bntang d rasi ntu jg nglambangin jmlh personel ny..
Bhkn mrka jg pnya posisi klo pmotretan lho..
Ra^ sbutin ya..
D plg kiri ad Xiah JunSu..di sblh ny ad Micky YooChun..trus d tgh ad my lovely Boo..Hero JaeJoong..trus d sblh ny ad Max Changmin..n’ yg plg kanan ad Jeong YunHo..
*tunjuk2 banner blog*
Ra^ heran jg c..scra,,mrka dah t’knal mpe Amrik sono..tp Indo blon nunjukin klo mrka knal ma tvfxq..
Knal c knal..tp TV swasta aj lom prnh tuh nunjukin the real TVXQ kayak gmn..
Nongol d tv pun..d acara artis laen..such as Rain (Bi) bhkn Stardut.. O_o;;
Prnh ad issue yg blg klo tvfxq ntu g bsa knser d Indo krna Indo g kuat bayar..
Mgkn sbgian tmn2 ra^ jg dah tw sbrapa kgilaan ra^ ma mrka.. ^^;;
Haha~ les basa korea aj djabanin..gara2 mrka ntu uh..ra^ jd cnta Korea..
Nah,,bwt mua yg ngrasa diri ny adl Cassiopeia sjati,,yuk..join forum TVXQ t’cnta yg ad d Indo..
Alamat web ny www.tvxqindo.com
Join de..d stu bsa share ttg mrka..
Brta t’baru..piccu2 t’baru..vdeo n’ mp3 mrka jg ad d stu..klian jg bsa nyalurin talent klian d bdg art n’ bahasa..
Klo art..klian bsa share mua poto dg editan PSD krya klian..msal,,avatar..wallie..gpx..sigy..banner..
*blh duonk banner ny dpke bw blog saia*
Klo bahasa..klian bsa nyalurin bakat klian misal ny cerpen tp yg berupa fanfiction ato fanfic..bsa jg nyalurin puisi2 karya kalian..
Ra^ betah bgt join d forum ini..
Walo rules ny sdkit ketat..tp ttp aj asyik..
Yach..sekedar promo doank lho~
Moga aj byk yg join..
Label: i'm cassie~
I want to call myself as Ra^
Ra^ bnr2 gaptek niy klo soal blog..
Drpd ngomong yg kga jls..
Ra^ mao ngmng sputar blog ra^ dlu yua~
*pntg g c??*
Blog ini t’ciptakan tidak lain dan tidak bukan yaitu adalah tugas dr guru TIK ra^
ra^ pribadi c..yg pntg jd dlu blog ny..
baru mikirin yg laen2..haha~
ra^ pnya account jg d friendster..
yg prtama.. zialibra_jejung@hero.tvxq
yg kedua.. zia_tembinza@yahoo.com
yg ketiga.. rara_cassie@yahoo.com
maruk bgt ya??
Y gpp lah..
Sbnr ny fs kedua ntu dbkin cma iseng2 doank..ra^ pribadi c focus ny k fs yg prtama..
Klo fs yg ke3..ra^ bkin khusus b’narsis ria..tyuz ntu fs jg ra^ bkin bwt reuni ama tmn2 lama..
Baek yg skrg 1skul..maupun tmn SD ma SMP dulu..
Huaaaa~ kangen ny ma mrka..
*peluk2 bntal*
Sdkit info ttg fs kedua..ra^ dah lupa password ny..T.T
Haha~ maka ny ra^ bkin fs yg ke3..pdhl td ny niat ny cma mao edit ntu fs ke2 aja..
Tp..Y bgtu lah y..Ra^ dodol bgt c..lupa password ny..Saking lama ny dtlantarkan..jd lupa password..T^T
Emank byk kata “Hmmm…” ya..
haha~ Sesuai title ny lah..
All..Tlg malumi ke-gaptek-an ra^ dlm hal blog2an yua~Ajarin klo bsa mah..
Label: bingung~